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Valentine’s Victory Page 3

  “So what do you have in mind for the rest of the day?” His question was all innocence.

  She smiled as he moved his hands on her torso and cupped her breasts. With his fingers brushing her nipples, almost by accident, Val let out a short giggle before pressing her hips back against his erection. “I thought we could play monopoly. Or battleship. I love battleship.” Squirming against his torso was fun, especially now that she knew that he would no longer keep himself from her for her own good. This could be very entertaining.

  Tal was taking the long way home, either that or her heating blood was affecting her sense of time. Whatever it was, it was far too long before Mythos was carrying her into the house, his lips locked onto hers and his stride sure.

  When their mouths parted for a moment and she took in her surroundings, she couldn’t help but ask, “What the hell?”

  “Gnome renovations. Faster than any human any time.” Mythos turned with her in his arms and let her take in their new master bedroom. The wall that had parted their two rooms was gone and one enormous room was the result. His bed was larger than it had been earlier that day and the colours were now her favourite cream and raspberry.

  “Wow. Those are good gnomes. Did you give them a tip?” She struggled to get down, but he wasn’t co-operating. He kept a firm grip on her as he took her to the bed and lay her down.

  “Yes. I gave them a tip. And I will give you one. Stay here and don’t move around too much. Until I tell you, then you are free to move all you want.”

  It took her a few seconds to catch on, but by the time her cheeks heated, he was stripping her of her clothing, leaving her wearing nothing but the blush.

  Her blonde hair fanned out beneath her as Mythos drank in the sight of her.

  * * * *

  He had wanted this blonde goddess since the moment she had threatened to geld him while in the Silverwood Medical Centre. Victory Valentine Dexter had ceased to exist the instant that that young girl had woken up, leaving simply Valentine behind. The frighten teenager had blossomed into a confidant woman who knew what she wanted, but was afraid to go get it. He had watched her struggle with her own emotions for years, never daring to step in and tip the balance. It was her fight, her battle, and he could only support her as she came to her decisions.

  She had always seemed so fragile to him, but today she was the perfect woman for him. Gentle and aggressive, purposeful and stubborn, she had gone through hell and come out with faith in love. What more could a man want?

  Her breasts fit his hands perfectly, the ivory skin gave her sapphire eyes a bewitching glow and the feel of her on his cock last night had kept him hard for the last day. If he didn’t get inside her soon he was going to come all over her creamy belly.

  * * * *

  What was he thinking? His eyes were warm as his gaze roamed over her from head to toe. When his clothing began to fall to the floor, she almost moaned in relief. He was doing something. Hopefully, he would soon be doing her.

  Thankfully, she didn’t have to wait long. As soon as he was nude, his muscles shining in the light streaming in through the window, his hair falling to his shoulders in heavy dark waves and the weeping of his erection with its eagerness to get inside her, she was speechless.

  Val lay quietly as he crawled on top of her, his lips caressing her thighs, belly, ribs and then her breasts as he moved up her body. Each breast was worked in turn, her nipples laved by his tongue until they peaked and her breath was hissing through her teeth. She wove her fingers into his hair, tugging him from left to right until each breast was glowing from his attentions.

  Then he moved lower.

  He traced and nibbled the line of each rib, running his tongue along her hipbones before he suddenly parted her thighs and delved between them. His move was as sudden as it was unexpected. Val had read about it and explored herself with her fingers, but the feeling of his tongue swiping across her clit made her shriek and caused a gush of moisture to part the petals of her sex. He did it again, this time rubbing at her opening with first one finger, than two. When his teeth scraped her clit, he shoved two fingers into her at the same time and her orgasm hit her like a freight train, stealing her breath and freezing her muscles.

  As soon as she relaxed, he was on her, surging into her with slow and steady force that let each and every part of her channel feel every inch of him. It was quite a few inches.

  When he was seated in her to the hilt, he stopped moving. Startled, she looked up at him and, the instant that their gazes met, he started to thrust and retreat. This continued every time she broke eye contact. He simply refused to continue until her blue eyes were locked with his black ones. She finally caught the hint. As the delicious friction continued, she gasped, moaned and occasionally grunted as he pounded into her with more and more speed.

  A spiralling burn broke over her nerves and she had her second orgasm of the afternoon. That was his cue to let himself go. In a final shuddering thrust, he groaned and collapsed on her.

  Val lay there blinking, eyes stinging with the sweat that had run into them. “So why didn’t we do this any sooner?”

  Mythos’s mumble into the pillow was still audible, “Because you were too scared to make a move.”

  “Oh. I was an idiot.”

  “Yes. You were.”

  She squirmed under him, enjoying the feel of his semi-hard length inside her. “Can we do it again? Now?”

  He levered himself up to look her in the eye. “Right now?”

  “Well, I am making up for lost time, so get moving.” She wrapped her legs around his hips and kept him inside her. “You heard me, fairy boy, move it.”

  Chapter Eight

  Having successfully wrecked their new bedding, Val enjoyed the novel sensation of cuddling with Mythos in the afternoon, naked. The cuddling was not new, but the nudity was. It was fantastic. Her lips twitched in mirth. “Hey, Mythos. It is your turn to make dinner.”

  “Fine. But we are both going and we are not having bacon.”

  He stood more rapidly than she could see, tugged her to her feet and dragged her out of the bedroom and into the hallway. Naked, they wandered through the house.

  When they crossed into the kitchen, Val noticed a cool breeze. “Mythos? Did you close the door?”

  “Um. No. I think I was a little busy plotting my time between your thighs.”

  “Sweetie, could you do it now? I am getting a chill.” Her nipples were giving testament to her statement, and when Tal wandered through the kitchen in his miniature deer form, her lover finally gave way.

  He walked down the hall and closed the door with a satisfying thud. “Val, why didn’t you do it?”

  “Because the gnomes are working across the street and they got quite enough of me when they watched us through the window. I didn’t want to give them more show than was necessary.”

  He opened and closed his mouth twice. “I didn’t even notice.”

  “I know. You were otherwise occupied.” She beamed at him, a little proud that she could distract him so thoroughly. Giving the gnomes a peep show had been the lesser of two evils. She had not been about to stop her elf now that he was making a move.

  He was currently putting together a stir-fry. He had opted for caution and was wearing an apron as he threw the vegetables into a hot wok. “I do so love the variety of food preparation that is common now. When I was growing up it was all roasted meat and bread.”

  “I know. It is the nice thing about modern society. You can pick and choose what to enjoy and simply respect the choices of others who don’t feel the same. Well, you should anyway.” Watching him move around the kitchen was one of her favourite sports. His grace was evident even during domestic chores. She envied him his economy of movement.

  “It is a laudable goal and one that you embody quite well. How is this, more soy sauce?” He held out a mini corncob and she bit through it. He winced in reaction and then laughed.

  “No, it’s just right. Let’s eat.�
�� Dinner and dessert passed rapidly, they had been together so long that the friendship that had grown made their transition to lovers easy.

  After dinner, leaving Tal to lick the dishes clean, Mythos took up a seat on the couch and pulled Val into his lap. Divesting him of his apron, she straddled him, her knees sinking into the couch on either side of his hips.

  “So what happens if we have kids? How long will they live? And how will you deal with it when I die so many years before you do?” It was a grim topic, but one she felt she needed to address.

  “When we formally bond, we will share a life. I will not live without you, but you will live for a very, very long time. Hundreds, if not a thousand years. Our children will have increased stamina and life spans, but they will bond to their mates as well. We do not do well without those we love with us.” He kissed her.

  Tiny kisses that rained on her brows, forehead, eyes, cheekbones, nose and mouth. “Why would your race choose humans when we can only bring you closer to death?”

  “Because love is worth burning brighter than merely glowing in the dark.”

  His hands were caressing her back, hips and buttocks. His erection was prodding at her belly and, as she raised and lowered her hips toward him, it left a slick trail of precum that showed he was much more excited than his calm demeanour showed.

  In an effort to distract him from the conversation she had started, she rose up to lodge her opening over the tip of his cock. She lowered herself down while telling him, “Love is worth everything, but without life, it can be nothing. You waited for me to be ready and so we won’t wait any longer, not for life, not for love.” It was slow and luxurious, this lovemaking between them. His eyes closed and his head leaned back against the couch as she moved in a relaxed and dreamy beat.

  She let her hands roam over his neck, chest and belly, leaning her head forward to rest on his shoulder as her body twitched with rising reactions. It took all her concentration to keep her hips rising and falling on him, the pressure building inside her was distracting. She breathed deeply and shifted her body on him, leaning forward. The pressure on her clit sent her shivering and gasping into climax. She rested for a moment, then pounded onto him, gritting her teeth at the irritation of the sensitive nerves that had just overloaded. It was worth it, Mythos soon gripped her hips and held onto her as he spilled his seed into her. Perhaps, just perhaps, it would take root.

  Their pulses settled and they cuddled together on the couch. They were quiet, serene and at peace until Mythos announced, “It is your turn to do the dishes.”


  Chapter Nine

  “Okay, I have to ask, what do I wear?” Valentine was looking at herself in the mirror, trying to figure out how visible the bruises were. They were small, but she hadn’t worn a lover’s marks before and it made her a little self-conscious.

  “Ah. Artemis provided you with something appropriate. It is in the closet.” Mythos was watching from the bed. They had just come out of a very productive shower and he was the picture of repletion.

  “Fine. But it had better fit or I am not going.”

  “That won’t be a problem.”

  He was right. It was a diaphanous layered toga. It would fit a stick or a hippo and anything in between. She slid the silky layers on her shoulders and cross-tied the gown under her breasts. It looked fabulous. When she swung her hips from side to side, the gown opened. So it was graceful, sexy and defied wearing underwear. Nice.

  “You know, we just might have enough time to go again before we leave for the lake.” Mythos’s cock had risen again. Apparently he really liked the dress.

  “Down boy. I just got this the way I like it. Not only that, the way we played today, and yesterday, I am a little sore.” She kept her voice light. She didn’t want to make him feel guilty as she had enjoyed every second of it. “Is Tal going to take us?”

  “No. We are supposed to arrive on foot. More of a connection with nature that way, plus us men won’t be able to play with you on horseback. It has been carefully calculated.”

  He reluctantly got up and dressed in a manner she would always remember. Black leather vest and trousers with black leather boots. He was all sin and skin, and she couldn’t wait to get him home again.

  Her footwear consisted of soft deerskin boots that oddly, didn’t clash with her toga. It was only a few minutes of him whining and trying to seduce her before they started their walk.

  It was calm, crisp. The season in Silverwood was perpetually spring and it had a good feel, even with her exposed arms. Mythos took her hand and they entered the woods on the way to the lake together.

  Each couple had a separate path. It symbolized their diverging paths in arriving at Silverwood.

  The closer that they got, the more Val was drawn to the lake. It was the same instinct that had drawn her here when she was at Camp Silverwood. Then the ladies had gathered as children to listen to Artemis spark their magic with her own faltering talents. Now, they gathered to give that magic back, but not to Artemis, to the world. It was right. A full circle.

  Chapter Ten

  “Ladies, thank you for coming.” Artemis was out of her normal business suit and in robes that hearkened to those of a Roman goddess. It was appropriate, given her name.

  No one said anything, they didn’t need to. The instinct to gather had overridden everything else. Lake Silverwood rippled in the moonlight and, as they moved forward until their feet touched the water, a burst of light came from the depths. Each one of them stripped off their boots and toga without a second thought.

  Colors dazzled and flared as the sisters stepped forward as one onto the water. A bubble of light swept each of them up until they were hovering thirty feet in the air.

  Valentine took a deep breath and looked down at her lover and beloved. Mythos and the other men stood sentry at the edge of the lake and simply watched the women they loved hover in the air. It was time.

  The bubble that contained her began to spin in harmony with those containing the other women. The energy that ran through her body expanded to fill the globe. It grew brighter and brighter, moving faster until she saw the world as a blur.

  Artemis’s voice came through the haze, “Human world, I give you the Sisters of Silverwood!”

  As their mentor’s voice ran to a crescendo, Valentine felt her power rise to a peak and release in a burst. The energy of seeking and finding love poured from her in a wave, when she felt she was empty, more came from somewhere. Mythos. He was pouring his love into her to let her complete her task. If this was happening to her, Tara must be getting a double dose.

  A burst of laughter broke from her throat. It was too funny. She was hovering above the earth and water on a column of air with fire blazing through the orb she floated in. She was feeding the elements and not caring a whit.

  As the energy left her, she felt rather than saw it spread out and move across the landscape. It was no longer just hers, it was combining with that of the other Sisters and they were becoming one surge of magic that was reaching out to cover the world. Magic was returning to earth and they were the conduits.

  The colours flowed, blended and, after the wave, combined into a bolt, which struck out and headed to the moon. It absorbed the power and formed a nimbus that astronomers would be talking about for years.

  Finally, the wave of energy dissipated and they were slowly and gently lowered to the ground by the same force that picked them up.

  Valentine curled into the arms that were held out for her as she came in for a landing.

  Mythos kept her close as he whispered, “You did great, honey.” He kissed her forehead and rocked her as he waited for Artemis to speak.

  “Consorts, take care of your ladies. The new spirits of Silverwood are exhausted, but they have done their jobs. Magic has returned to the earth for the first time in a thousand years, and with the ladies able to draw upon their talents, it will last here for a thousand more.”

  That got Vale
ntine’s attention. “We will not live for a thousand years.”

  “Yes, you will. It is in you to draw your life force from the earth and sky, the sea and the air. The moon and the sun. You will live as long as you wish to.” Artemis was floating in near to her, hovering in a bolt of moonlight that seemed excessively devoted to shining through her toga.

  “Are we done?” It was Tara that asked that one. Her men held her up with arms around her waist.

  “For the night. You have the option to return again when called or to ignore it if you can.” Artemis’s smile did not give her much hope of ignoring it. “Your consorts will take you home now. Get some rest. You have earned it.”

  Valentine looked up at Mythos and smiled tiredly. “Are you my consort?”

  His hug and smile was the precursor for his answer. “For as long as you will have me.”

  She caressed his face gently with one hand. “Then it will be for a long time because you are the elf I love and the one I wish to be with until we both shuffle off this earth. Now, take me home, lover.”

  The kiss that they shared set both of them on fire, but as soon as they separated at the lips, he began the walk home, her toga long forgotten.

  She curled against him, the chill in the air making the close contact an excellent source of body heat. Val had almost nodded off when she felt something. Something wrong.

  Mythos stopped short and was vibrating with tension. In front of him were three Lios, all bristling with hostility. Val’s blood went cold as she recognized one of them. Syro. The brother of the Lios who had raped her.

  “Well, well. If it isn’t one of the whores of Silverwood and her protector. And you just happen to be all alone in the woods. Defenceless.” His two companions chuckled evilly and they took a step forward.

  Val kicked her legs slightly and Mythos put her down. The residue of the evening still hummed in her veins as she moved toward the opposition. They would not intimidate her this time. When she cloaked her body in red magic, they took a step back.