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Valentine’s Victory Page 4
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Page 4
“What? Running scared? Syro, I am no longer the child your brother attacked. I am not innocent, or trusting, or afraid of my own power anymore.” She continued her advance. “You think I am afraid of you? Coming at a naked woman and her consort in the dark of the woods with three attackers? What kind of a coward are you? How low can you get?” She stopped fifteen feet from them and pulled power from Mythos to increase her glow.
Syro and his cronies stood astonished as she began to lift from the ground, using the power that the earth had given her. “Do you know what your brother was after when he stole me? He was stealing love. True love. The kind of thing that comes once in a lifetime for elf or human alike. He wanted to keep it for himself and so he engaged in the most brutal and selfish act anyone could. He tried to take it by force.”
Tears were flowing from one of his companions and she kept going. “Love isn’t something you can steal, it comes naturally. The one thing that I do is find the most likely candidate for someone to love and to be loved in return. Sefar, I know that your true love is named Molly and she is on the east coast in a flower shop. Malvi, your ideal lover is Hestin and he works construction Alaska. Syro, I can feel your match, I know her name, her scent and her hair colour. With the help of the other Sisters, I could find her, but I don’t think we will engage in the trouble. You don’t need to be loved, after all, you came armed across the barrier, you wanted revenge and I tell you now to take it. Take your revenge on me for what your brother did to me.”
She powered down and stood waiting. His companions stepped back and disappeared into the woods. She didn’t have to look at them to know that they were running. Syro was left alone, looking like a naked bully in the schoolyard.
Mythos remained at her back, quiet and strong. He was patience itself, the same wall of comfort that he had always been, supporting her every move.
Syro pulled his sword and walked to her.
She remained still. He was three feet away when he thrust the sword into the ground and knelt before her.
“Give it to me.”
She didn’t need to ask what he meant. Without a word, she stepped forward and put her hand on his head and, in one deep breath, fed him his brother’s attack in every detail. The pain, the fear and the shock that she was immersed in for months and years afterward. Syro shook and simply accepted the images and emotions that he was given. Tears flowed freely from both of their eyes and, as their souls touched, they finally understood what was motivating the other.
When she withdrew her hand, Syro simply said, “He didn’t tell me. I thought you had contacted him. I am sorry.”
“Do you want to know where she is?”
He looked surprised. “Why would you give me this after what I tried to do to you?”
She said simply, “Everyone deserves love. But you will have to go through the acclimation process first. Caro and Tara will kick your ass, but if you want to become part of this new world, you will have to learn, thrive and become one with modern life.”
He stood and then bowed from the waist. “Everything I learn will be in penance for what was done to you. I shall watch for and act upon injustices to women and defend them in your honour.”
“Don’t do it for me. Do it because it is the right thing to do. And now, my ride is here.”
Tal came thundering through the woods and stopped right behind Syro, his horn aimed at the elf’s back.
“Stand down, Tal. It is time to go home.” She turned to find Mythos right behind her and smiled at him. “Shall we?”
Mythos laughed, the sound strong and clear. He scooped her into his arms and then mounted Tal’s back. Leaving Syro in the forest, they cuddled together as they headed to their home.
It had been one long evening, but tomorrow was a new day. For them and the world.
One year later
Artemis watched and greeted the women who had been drawn to Silverwood. The Sisters had thrown out four more bolts of power, enough to waken any dormant talents that the earth had created.
Three such seeds had bloomed and were now standing in front of her. They had arrived just in time for the first annual Silverwood Picnic. “Welcome, ladies. Please enjoy yourselves and mingle with the people of Silverwood. We will discuss your talents during the evening. Now go, have fun!”
* * * *
Stefanie was having a surprisingly good time. She had started in the food area and was now trying her hand at goblin karaoke. Her talent as a muse was standing her in good stead, but the dark elf scowling at her from the sidelines was a little distracting. It was as if he didn’t find her yowling in goblin offensive, but intriguing. She finished her set to great applause and then did what she wanted to, ran for it.
She had made it to the archery range when she ploughed straight into a brick wall. A nice warm wall. From her point of recoil, she looked up at her obstacle. It was him.
He had moved to cut her off. “Are you alright? I have not seen you here before.”
“I am fine. I didn’t see you there. If you will just stand aside?” She tried to move to the left, he countered. She shifted to the right, he countered that, too.
“I am Seraf, I would be happy to escort you around the picnic.” He held out his arm.
She shocked herself by taking it. “I am Stefanie Lorring. Nice to meet you. Uh, what shall we see first?”
“Well, the dryads are having a berry tasting contest, I thought you may enjoy that.” He smoothly matched his stride to hers and together they wandered over to where the wood sprites were laying out a variety of berries for blindfolded tasters. “I have been waiting for you to come.” His voice was sincere.
“I know you have.” Hers was just as serious and again she was surprised, but it seemed that he was so very familiar. Together they walked, laughed and got to know each other.
* * * *
Mirah was giggling as she watched fairies rollerblade and brownies surf. The surfing was the funny bit. Brownies were having a heckuva time staying afloat, but they managed. Occasionally, an elf would try their hand at it, but they were few and far between. Mirah was sitting on one of the hills and having a snack when one of the brownies brought her a surfboard. “Try it.”
“What?” The brownie in question had smooth nut-brown skin and four arms to go with his two legs.
“Try the surfing. Its fun. You won’t fall.” The sopping wet condition of the brownie belied his statement.
“It seems you did.”
“If you do, you won’t go far, it’s the lake not the ocean.” He pushed the board at her again.
She took it. After a careful assessment of her clothing, she decided that there was nothing that would humiliate her if it got wet. Since she was sure to fall in, she was glad that she had made the recon.
How the waves were even generated was perplexing to her as she paddled out to the point where they started to swell. She joined a bunch of giggling brownies and waited. And waited. Finally a wave caught her board and pulled her forward, she paddled with her arms and then tried to get to her feet. It was a mistake.
The water was colder than she had imagined. It squeezed the breath out of her as she tried to figure out which end was up. The lake was deeper than imagined, the endless green and blue pulled at her, tugging her down while her lungs screamed for air.
Hands pulled her around and she was facing a man with black eyes and blue skin. His hair was the same black as his eyes and she blinked a moment before she started to struggle. The impossible stranger pulled her in for a kiss and air flowed into her lungs. Suddenly, kissing him was the most important thing in the world. She wrapped her legs around him and held him close as they necked and moved through the water at the same time.
Instead of taking her to the surface, he was moving her deeper into the water. As long as she didn’t break contact with him, she would continue to breathe. He suddenly shifted her upward and their torsos broke the water. He put her on a rock inside what seemed to be a pho
sphorescent cavern. Then she noted the most extraordinary thing. He had a tail. A big one.
“Hello?” She wasn’t sure if he was an illusion, but he was sure cute.
“Hello , Mirah. My name is Danson. It is nice to meet you.”
“How did you know my name?”
“The Sisters told me. I have been waiting for you.” He pulled himself onto the ledge next to her.
She watched as he shifted into a form with two legs and pinker skin. Still adorable though. And naked. Really naked. “So you are a merman?”
“Yes.” He was amused by something.
She was afraid it was her. “How is that working out for you?”
“Can’t complain.” He was definitely laughing at her.
“You are really…”
He barked out a laugh that was part gurgle. “I can find some trousers if that would be better for you.”
Her mind screamed no but her mouth said, “Please.”
He snickered again and held out his arms. “Then come with me and I will get you to the shore and get myself to some pants.”
“It’s a deal. Nice to meet you Danson.” She smiled and blushed, then kicked herself for being coy. Ah well, it was a start.
* * * *
Emily was not having a good time. Controlling her temper was her primary concern and with this noisy of a crowd, it was hard to stay calm. She was watching the baby races. It was her best option. She had thought it would be sparsely populated, but it was the most popular event at the picnic.
The parents lumped their children into a pile and the first baby to crawl out was the winner. It was funny, all the chubby droolers together in a pile and them rolling and creeping to crawl out.
Only one baby was capable of making the journey and it was the baby girl of Holly and Kevik, one Havah by name. She had bolted out of the ring on all fours straight to her daddy. The prize was a pony, which was swiftly withdrawn when the little darling tried to chew on it. She was given a nice silken blanket instead.
“This is one of the side effects of women and dragons having kids. You just can’t find anything safe for them to teeth on.”
The deep voice emanated from the shadows next to her. When the shadow stepped forward, she nodded. “Humans and dragons are a dangerous combination.”
“And yet, the two have been drawn together for eons.” Silver hair and eyes contrasted sharply against black skin. Not just black, but ink, midnight, shadows come to life. Wow. She blinked, then blinked again. Her pulse began to race and, as her heart pounded, she felt the tingling of her talent coming forth. “Oh, hells.” She turned and ran, shoving her way through the crowds, seeking somewhere to vent a little bit of the talent.
The earth rumbled under her feet and she kept running until she was almost exhausted. She was drooping, but not nearly far enough to keep from harming anyone. Tears fell and then suddenly she was flying. Well, not flying precisely, but being carried. Caught in the talons of a black dragon, she held on as he flew faster than the eye could follow.
Relax, Emily. Two minutes to the ocean and you can let it go.
The voice in her head was the same as the shadow at the baby race. Come to think of it, the dragon was jet black. She thought back to him, How do you know what I need to do?
The same way I know the true scope of your talent.
How is that?
I am a dragon. It is our nature to seek out our mates, know everything about them and then to pounce.
Great. Pounce on me and you will be facing the wrong side of a volcano.
Snort. I look forward to it. He landed and set her on a sandy beach. Let it go.
With a deep sigh she did. Her power swirled and twisted, then touched the heart of the earth to bring some magma to the surface, to change it to lava. A tiny island formed off the coast of wherever he had taken her. When she finished her venting, she turned to look at her ride. Yup. A big black dragon with bright silver eyes. Back to Silverwood?
Indeed. My name is Kelak by the way. Guardian of the volcanic fields.
Great. But if you try ploughing this one, you are in for a fight. She got onto his neck via his upturned palm.
He craned his neck to look her in the eye. I look forward to it, my lady.
* * * *
Valentine cuddled her adorable little daughter to her and looked smuggly at her consort. “See, I told you. Emily with Kelak, Mirah with Danson and Stefanie with Seraf, I knew his goblin heritage would come in handy.”
Mythos took his daughter. “Fine, but I don’t understand their talents.”
“Oh, is that all? Emily is the spirit of volcanoes and PMS, Stefanie is a muse, the spirit of music, and of course Mirah is the oddest one. Mirah is the spirit of light, solar, lunar, and stellar. She is the spirit of celestial light.” Avenwy was drooling on her daddy and waving her fist in the air. Valentine smiled.
“Why did they have to meet their men here?”
“We need them. They are too powerful to blend well in the modern world. They have a place here, in Silverwood.”
“As you wish, my dear.” He leaned forward to kiss her over their beautiful daughter. “Now, Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“All days are Valentine’s when you are in love.”
“Then love me for eternity.” She gave him a kiss to curl his toes, then backed away. “It’s your turn to change her diaper.”
About the Author
Viola Grace was born in Manitoba, Canada where she still resides today. She really likes it there. Her hobbies have included cross-stitch, needlepoint, quilting, costuming, cake decorating, baking, cooking, metalwork, beading, sculpting, painting, doll making, henna tattoos, chain maille, and a few others that have been forgotten.
Her writing actively pursues the Happily Ever After that so rarely occurs in nature. A brilliant mind, with a twisted sense of humor.
Viola can be reached at this email:
[email protected]
Viola’s website is located at: